NFT marketplace website
Build full stack NFT Marketplace on Ethereum with Node Js, Mango DB, and solidity

Create Your Full-stack NFT Marketplace website
NFT Marketplace Full-stack website project for beginners. Build full stack NFT Marketplace on Ethereum with Node Js, Mango DB, and solidity
Welcome to the complete NFT Marketplace full-stack project, in this full-stack NFT marketplace website project you will learn, how you can be your own NFT Marketplace website on Ethereum blockchain with React, JS Next JS, solubility, Node JS and Mango DB as a back server
Key points for this full stack and NFT Marketplace website project
- Using React Js and Next Js for building the front-end of our NFT Marketplace website template
- Folder and file structure of react component for building this NFT Marketplace template
- React context API for state management and handling of all the data of this NFT Marketplace
- Complete custom CSS was used in this complete NFT marketplace for designing components & website template
- Writing solidity smart contract for NFT marketplace and maintaining state in the contract
- Hardhat for testing the solidity smart contract in localhost
- Best practices for writing smart contracts for NFT marketplaces website
- Node Js and NPM packages are used for building the front end and the back end of this NFT marketplace project
- Mango DB as a back-end server for maintaining the information of all the NFTs and users in this full-stack NFT Marketplace.
- You will find the complete source code of this NFT marketplace down below in section wise
The full stack NFT marketplace website project is divided in 3 section
1. Creating NFT Marketplace Website Template

In the first section, you will learn how you can build the complete NFT marketplace website template from scratch using React JS, Next Js, and Node js for building the temperate for this Marketplace
Get source code of NFT Marketplace Website Template:
- Download👉 Start File
- Download👉 Navigation Bar
- Download👉 Footer
- Download👉 Hero Section Component
- Download👉 Service Component
- Download👉 BigNFTSlider Component
- Download👉 Subscribe Component
- Download👉 Title Component
- Download👉 Category Component
- Download👉 Filter Component
- Download👉 NFTCard Component
- Download👉 Collection COmponent
- Download👉 AudioLive Component
- Download👉 FollowerCard Component
- Download👉 Slider Component
- Download 👉 Brand Component
- Download 👉 Video Component
- Download 👉 Collection Page
- Download 👉 Author Page
- Download 👉 search page
- Download 👉 NFT Details Page
- Download 👉 UploadNFTPage
- Download 👉 UploadNFT
- Download 👉 Connect Wallet Page
- Download 👉 Login&SignUp Page
- Download 👉 Contact Us Page
- Download 👉 About Us Page
- Download 👉 Subscription Page
2. Solidity Smart Contract For NFT Marketplace

In the second section, you will learn how you can build the smart contract for this NFT Marketplace from scratch, using Hardhat.
- In that, you will learn about Solidity fundamentals for writing a contract
- Folder and file structure for smart contract
- Hardhat environment for testing solidity smart contracts in our localhost
Updated Smart Contrat
Get the source code of NFT Marketplace Solidity Smart Contract:
- Download👉 Starter File
- Download👉 Final Smart Contract Code
- Download 👉Final NFT Marketplace Code
Deploy Solidity NFT marketplace Smart Contract To Polygon
Down below is the following instruction for deploying a smart contract to polygon Mumbai testnet
You can download and create a Metamask account for free here. Once you’ve created an account, follow these steps to set up the Polygon network on your wallet.
Select “Settings” from the drop-down menu in the top right corner of your Metamask wallet.
Select “Networks” from the menu to the left.
Connect your wallet to the Mumbai Testnet using the following parameters.
Network Name: Polygon Mumbai Testnet
ChainID: 80001
Symbol: MATIC
Block Explorer URL:
Add Polygon Mumbai Test MATIC from a Faucet
Color And Font Family
@import url(‘,wght@0,100;0,200;0,300;0,400;0,500;0,600;0,700;0,800;0,900;1,100;1,200;1,300;1,400;1,500;1,600;1,700;1,800;1,900&display=swap’);
–icons-color: #4c5773;
–icons-light-color: #4c577341;
–icons-bg-color: #e2e6e9;
–shadow-dark-color: #d3dae7;
–shadow-light-color: #fff;
–main-bg-color: #ecf0f3;
–box-shadow: 1rem 1rem 1rem var(–shadow-dark-color),
-1rem -1rem 1rem var(–shadow-light-color);
–box-shadow-2: 0rem 0rem 0rem var(–shadow-dark-color),
-.3rem -.3rem 1rem var(–shadow-dark-color)
3. Building Back-End of NFT Marketplace with Mango DB

In the third section, we will build a backend for this NFT Marketplace website where we will use Mango DB as a backend server for storing the data for all the NFTs for this full-stack NFT Marketplace website.
Download Start File here
Download: Api Part One Code
Download: Coming Soon (Error)
Download: Coming Soon (Authoticantion)
Download: Coming Soon (Automation)
Like first sections contain the start file second contains the navigation bar third contains the footer and so on…
We have tried to provide all the source code of this NFT Marketplace full stack project so you can download the code and compare your code and follow full stack complete NFT market project, step by step
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Build full stack NFT Marketplace on Ethereum with Node Js, Mango DB, and solidity

Create Your Full-stack NFT Marketplace website
NFT Marketplace Full-stack website project for beginners. Build full stack NFT Marketplace on Ethereum with Node Js, Mango DB, and solidity
Welcome to the complete NFT Marketplace full-stack project, in this full-stack NFT marketplace website project you will learn, how you can be your own NFT Marketplace website on Ethereum blockchain with React, JS Next JS, solubility, Node JS and Mango DB as a back server
Key points for this full stack and NFT Marketplace website project
- Using React Js and Next Js for building the front-end of our NFT Marketplace website template
- Folder and file structure of react component for building this NFT Marketplace template
- React context API for state management and handling of all the data of this NFT Marketplace
- Complete custom CSS was used in this complete NFT marketplace for designing components & website template
- Writing solidity smart contract for NFT marketplace and maintaining state in the contract
- Hardhat for testing the solidity smart contract in localhost
- Best practices for writing smart contracts for NFT marketplaces website
- Node Js and NPM packages are used for building the front end and the back end of this NFT marketplace project
- Mango DB as a back-end server for maintaining the information of all the NFTs and users in this full-stack NFT Marketplace.
- You will find the complete source code of this NFT marketplace down below in section wise
The full stack NFT marketplace website project is divided in 3 section
1. Creating NFT Marketplace Website Template

In the first section, you will learn how you can build the complete NFT marketplace website template from scratch using React JS, Next Js, and Node js for building the temperate for this Marketplace
Get source code of NFT Marketplace Website Template:
Get source code of NFT Marketplace Website Template:
- Download👉 Start File
- Download👉 Navigation Bar
- Download👉 Footer
- Download👉 Hero Section Component
- Download👉 Service Component
- Download👉 BigNFTSlider Component
- Download👉 Subscribe Component
- Download👉 Title Component
- Download👉 Category Component
- Download👉 Filter Component
- Download👉 NFTCard Component
- Download👉 Collection Component
- Download👉 AudioLive Component
- Download👉 FollowerCard Component
- Download👉 Slider Component
- Download 👉 Brand Component
- Download 👉 Video Component
- Download 👉 Collection Page
- Download 👉 Author Page
- Download 👉 search page
- Download 👉 NFT Details Page
- Download 👉 UploadNFTPage
- Download 👉 UploadNFT
- Download 👉 Connect Wallet Page
- Download 👉 Login&SignUp Page
- Download 👉 Contact Us Page
- Download 👉 About Us Page
- Download 👉 Subscription Page
Color And Font Family
@import url(‘,wght@0,100;0,200;0,300;0,400;0,500;0,600;0,700;0,800;0,900;1,100;1,200;1,300;1,400;1,500;1,600;1,700;1,800;1,900&display=swap’);
–icons-color: #4c5773;
–icons-light-color: #4c577341;
–icons-bg-color: #e2e6e9;
–shadow-dark-color: #d3dae7;
–shadow-light-color: #fff;
–main-bg-color: #ecf0f3;
–box-shadow: 1rem 1rem 1rem var(–shadow-dark-color),
-1rem -1rem 1rem var(–shadow-light-color);
–box-shadow-2: 0rem 0rem 0rem var(–shadow-dark-color),
-.3rem -.3rem 1rem var(–shadow-dark-color)
2. Solidity Smart Contract For NFT Marketplace

In the second section, you will learn how you can build the smart contract for this NFT Marketplace from scratch, using Hardhat.
- In that, you will learn about Solidity fundamentals for writing a contract
- Folder and file structure for smart contract
- Hardhat environment for testing solidity smart contracts in our localhost
Updated Smart Contract
Get the source code of NFT Marketplace Solidity Smart Contract:
- Download👉 Starter File
- Download👉 Final Smart Contract Code
- Download 👉Final NFT Marketplace Code
Deploy Solidity NFT marketplace Smart Contract To Polygon
Down below is the following instruction for deploying a smart contract to polygon Mumbai testnet
You can download and create a Metamask account for free here. Once you’ve created an account, follow these steps to set up the Polygon network on your wallet.
Select “Settings” from the drop-down menu in the top right corner of your Metamask wallet.
Select “Networks” from the menu to the left.
Connect your wallet to the Mumbai Testnet using the following parameters.
Network Name: Polygon Mumbai Testnet
ChainID: 80001
Symbol: MATIC
Block Explorer URL:
Add Polygon Mumbai Test MATIC from a Faucet
3. Building Back-End of NFT Marketplace with Mango DB

In the third section, we will build a backend for this NFT Marketplace website where we will use Mango DB as a backend server for storing the data for all the NFTs for this full-stack NFT Marketplace website.
Download Start File here
Download: Api Part One Code
Download: Coming Soon (Error)
Download: Coming Soon (Authoticantion)
Download: Coming Soon (Automation)
Like first sections contain the start file second contains the navigation bar third contains the footer and so on…
We have tried to provide all the source code of this NFT Marketplace full stack project so you can download the code and compare your code and follow full stack complete NFT market project, step by step
Health Calculator
My Services
Recent Post


Build full stack NFT Marketplace on Ethereum with Node Js, Mango DB, and solidity

NFT Marketplace Full-stack website project for beginners. Build full stack NFT Marketplace on Ethereum with Node Js, Mango DB, and solidity
Welcome to the complete NFT Marketplace full-stack project, in this full-stack NFT marketplace website project you will learn, how you can be your own NFT Marketplace website on Ethereum blockchain with React, JS Next JS, solubility, Node JS and Mango DB as a back server
Key points for this full stack and NFT Marketplace website project
- Using React Js and Next Js for building the front-end of our NFT Marketplace website template
- Folder and file structure of react component for building this NFT Marketplace template
- React context API for state management and handling of all the data of this NFT Marketplace
- Complete custom CSS was used in this complete NFT marketplace for designing components & website template
- Writing solidity smart contract for NFT marketplace and maintaining state in the contract
- Hardhat for testing the solidity smart contract in localhost
- Best practices for writing smart contracts for NFT marketplaces website
- Node Js and NPM packages are used for building the front end and the back end of this NFT marketplace project
- Mango DB as a back-end server for maintaining the information of all the NFTs and users in this full-stack NFT Marketplace.
- You will find the complete source code of this NFT marketplace down below in section wise
Create Your Full-stack NFT Marketplace website

The full stack NFT marketplace website project is divided in 3 section
1. Creating NFT Marketplace Website Template

In the first section, you will learn how you can build the complete NFT marketplace website template from scratch using React JS, Next Js, and Node js for building the temperate for this Marketplace
Get source code of NFT Marketplace Website Template:
Get source code of NFT Marketplace Website Template:
- Download👉 Start File
- Download👉 Navigation Bar
- Download👉 Footer
- Download👉 Hero Section Component
- Download👉 Service Component
- Download👉 BigNFTSlider Component
- Download👉 Subscribe Component
- Download👉 Title Component
- Download👉 Category Component
- Download👉 Filter Component
- Download👉 NFTCard Component
- Download👉 Collection Component
- Download👉 AudioLive Component
- Download👉 FollowerCard Component
- Download👉 Slider Component
- Download 👉 Brand Component
- Download 👉 Video Component
- Download 👉 Collection Page
- Download 👉 Author Page
- Download 👉 search page
- Download 👉 NFT Details Page
- Download 👉 UploadNFTPage
- Download 👉 UploadNFT
- Download 👉 Connect Wallet Page
- Download 👉 Login&SignUp Page
- Download 👉 Contact Us Page
- Download 👉 About Us Page
- Download 👉 Subscription Page
2. Solidity Smart Contract For NFT Marketplace

In the second section, you will learn how you can build the smart contract for this NFT Marketplace from scratch, using Hardhat.
- In that, you will learn about Solidity fundamentals for writing a contract
- Folder and file structure for smart contract
- Hardhat environment for testing solidity smart contracts in our localhost
Updated Smart Contract
Get the source code of NFT Marketplace Solidity Smart Contract:
- Download👉 Starter File
- Download👉 Final Smart Contract Code
- Download 👉Final NFT Marketplace Code
Deploy Solidity NFT marketplace Smart Contract To Polygon
Down below is the following instruction for deploying a smart contract to polygon Mumbai testnet
You can download and create a Metamask account for free here. Once you’ve created an account, follow these steps to set up the Polygon network on your wallet.
Select “Settings” from the drop-down menu in the top right corner of your Metamask wallet.
Select “Networks” from the menu to the left.
Connect your wallet to the Mumbai Testnet using the following parameters.
Network Name: Polygon Mumbai Testnet
ChainID: 80001
Symbol: MATIC
Block Explorer URL:
Add Polygon Mumbai Test MATIC from a Faucet
3. Building Back-End of NFT Marketplace with Mango DB

In the third section, we will build a backend for this NFT Marketplace website where we will use Mango DB as a backend server for storing the data for all the NFTs for this full-stack NFT Marketplace website.
Download Start File here
Download: Api Part One Code
Download: Coming Soon (Error)
Download: Coming Soon (Authoticantion)
Download: Coming Soon (Automation)
Like first sections contain the start file second contains the navigation bar third contains the footer and so on…
We have tried to provide all the source code of this NFT Marketplace full stack project so you can download the code and compare your code and follow full stack complete NFT market project, step by step
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